2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
18.5 MB
[#000] sha256:4a0759b5afbffdc507fbb4e32b3a139063c3a5c0829f811973850447f98830ae - 16.76% (3.09 MB)
[#001] sha256:feba8e099a9ee5cc47a0d732e3f7c1e6ac540bf3b73772fbb343af8ed65734d5 - 3.25% (614 KB)
[#002] sha256:d3c82895c67e56374f4263c18f03f015fede0f5d0dd7db3fdcf84f72610f8512 - 66.05% (12.2 MB)
[#003] sha256:084f74a764f36ac0999d79d96c008eece41f20187fd919e820c9509bd557b77a - 0.0% (242 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:a0339b9feb9314f4428a053f4400c2cf6fb578bcbe9d224bf75408c8d92c3526 - 13.94% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:50130ffc87b68d2889c28269d2783e37c42087ce4793108222ad53ed22443a90 in /
2024-01-27 00:38:19 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
18.6 MB
[#000] sha256:4abcf20661432fb2d719aaf90656f55c287f8ca915dc1c92ec14ff61e67fbaf8 - 17.51% (3.25 MB)
[#001] sha256:123f0299983f1de2e2d2ee9f2244217972226c0a9db0c81d3a9abaa091730564 - 3.22% (613 KB)
[#002] sha256:75d20ee8e1cf3250d56a20f161e3e9e22de8992352b5042e45cd2c8ada20ed1a - 65.41% (12.1 MB)
[#003] sha256:a5f1ac539255a3e625d62cad61b36acd7825c0b2aa630d4a4996fae9c1e529ce - 0.0% (240 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:3a2afeb85b5945a32cc6658b088c50cdbac01b5309f74727087537a6a30cf44f - 13.86% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:37a76ec18f9887751cd8473744917d08b7431fc4085097bb6a09d81b41775473 in /
2024-01-27 00:30:48 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
17.7 MB
[#000] sha256:0dc2e6c0f9ded2daeca96bbf270526d182d2f4267f5c7610c222c05cad6f6b96 - 17.04% (3.02 MB)
[#001] sha256:0a94b80fd59b79321bb02399eddebaf240325abf74530f68a523553faeafbdd0 - 3.38% (614 KB)
[#002] sha256:5b5cd49c4df6a50a622e2b03380de21b327ac8610ae49d6fcfeb40b4d510a678 - 65.05% (11.5 MB)
[#003] sha256:a9ca64266995fd9d4aee8128f875573bbf8c8b7e40581aeccf7c146f1b994a6d - 0.0% (242 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:bf400647a8dba195306c300cc359aca68b61ac69d327b894e67218577cb0bb0a - 14.52% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:99cc37cba14ac64dc4652e46dc671888a0265f90992faa05c32d32e21f89c147 in /
2024-01-26 23:49:17 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
17 MB
[#000] sha256:fda0ff469afd28d9cfbb946e8e0a3c911c591a2691bea62be9187e45a1c50549 - 16.35% (2.78 MB)
[#001] sha256:92d75b83f01a4fc2409876b7cd41cec49a58e8c41588220f7627eaac971cb641 - 3.52% (613 KB)
[#002] sha256:b0b74ca381d3bdccd3f103874ec1020218279b4088d8b817961d5bf00b548002 - 65.03% (11.1 MB)
[#003] sha256:1ef27abe1123d541e5fec63ac9c1b145e23b6554060465575300606be7881573 - 0.0% (243 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:709dd4631af95046634b915b5cdd9306d0eae85ca8fc5b7abbd626715d5e9599 - 15.11% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:dca2a738b46ed78f0ccd7e23ba4d4729528feaa423a0ff0ac5c3512bf43b6fae in /
2024-01-27 00:14:54 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
18.4 MB
[#000] sha256:bca4290a96390d7a6fc6f2f9929370d06f8dfcacba591c76e3d5c5044e7f420c - 17.33% (3.19 MB)
[#001] sha256:0f7a600ef56dad096270219f34bb88719fe1b7c54b7fa958f5b70e8f8f8e7075 - 3.26% (616 KB)
[#002] sha256:26a6fb7dfc4755a189bdad46d8dcbef742b3fe5e6965a8a7b067ae12238034fc - 65.44% (12.1 MB)
[#003] sha256:daabfe569375b197912ce500d52abf4bd9251ed1cd2ac47903d39fac7e5ff5bf - 0.0% (240 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:6b87af3f10d21fe95d6b6c48e031c1f5157e499193647b54e0a36ad20dd4bdbe - 13.97% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:d0764a717d1e9d0aff3fa84779b11bfa0afe4430dcb6b46d965b209167639ba0 in /
2024-01-26 23:44:47 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
18.8 MB
[#000] sha256:f4968021da4ff8b74325e5aebf0f9448b44becfdd14df80ecba474e43cc92546 - 17.02% (3.2 MB)
[#001] sha256:0db3f7d42607b848bd49a418f3cd534b7cb214adbce6e820c729e4b245f98354 - 3.2% (616 KB)
[#002] sha256:80bec0494a75d8a79cfed57d662665d95a4049723a6f7f5604fd0301638a9b0a - 66.1% (12.4 MB)
[#003] sha256:a6d8988d7677d1a8f3939330a91050c0a4a5dac1df385a1d8c6767e1b3ce7e57 - 0.0% (242 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:8f3a214d33518d21a44bb8514e4ea433472ea612a029ea17393ac530ea5a7b96 - 13.68% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:76976bd619bf0c4e63bbd1d1d0a20b224d1f14070cb9be6036c1b7672a7848ba in /
2024-01-27 00:27:35 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC
18.5 MB
[#000] sha256:eb8fba61d86413beda3240c40c599041e040e658cd8314e38ee15e67ea57d349 - 16.75% (3.09 MB)
[#001] sha256:4f5ae9388668f493826845e1396c0d5d1c18ca27f1b7185a705fdd84c733efef - 3.25% (614 KB)
[#002] sha256:45e5d1c656ab670c8a2be91da06e3408cf7944fdb22dd4cada55a8db2a26264d - 66.06% (12.2 MB)
[#003] sha256:f90eeebbcedaf3ce13b8cae4c8b77c282a9fb0ce3cb69d8c6056224e61de53ed - 0.0% (245 Bytes)
[#004] sha256:46ef9e70d6476f49a934bb680ad22d463692345b86fc4deb63a7b331b2871d08 - 13.94% (2.57 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a3a70231936c63931e39d0cbee91dc800a1f64c713d03da79c5cc7b7d68bde92 in /
2024-01-27 00:37:52 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates tzdata ; # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV GPG_KEY=7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_VERSION=3.13.0a6
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gnupg tar xz bluez-dev bzip2-dev dpkg-dev dpkg expat-dev findutils gcc gdbm-dev libc-dev libffi-dev libnsl-dev libtirpc-dev linux-headers make ncurses-dev openssl-dev pax-utils readline-dev sqlite-dev tcl-dev tk tk-dev util-linux-dev xz-dev zlib-dev ; wget -O python.tar.xz "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"; wget -O python.tar.xz.asc "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc"; GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME; gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys "$GPG_KEY"; gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; gpgconf --kill all; rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; mkdir -p /usr/src/python; tar --extract --directory /usr/src/python --strip-components=1 --file python.tar.xz; rm python.tar.xz; cd /usr/src/python; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-shared --with-lto --with-system-expat --without-ensurepip ; nproc="$(nproc)"; EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl},--strip-all"; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-}" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" ; rm python; make -j "$nproc" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=${EXTRA_CFLAGS:-}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:--Wl},-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../lib'" "PROFILE_TASK=${PROFILE_TASK:-}" python ; make install; cd /; rm -rf /usr/src/python; find /usr/local -depth \( \( -type d -a \( -name test -o -name tests -o -name idle_test \) \) -o \( -type f -a \( -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' -o -name 'libpython*.a' \) \) \) -exec rm -rf '{}' + ; find /usr/local -type f -executable -not \( -name '*tkinter*' \) -exec scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' '{}' ';' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' | xargs -rt apk add --no-network --virtual .python-rundeps ; apk del --no-network .build-deps; python3 --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; for src in idle3 pydoc3 python3 python3-config; do dst="$(echo "$src" | tr -d 3)"; [ -s "/usr/local/bin/$src" ]; [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/$dst" ]; ln -svT "$src" "/usr/local/bin/$dst"; done # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=24.0
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/dbf0c85f76fb6e1ab42aa672ffca6f0a675d9ee4/public/get-pip.py
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=dfe9fd5c28dc98b5ac17979a953ea550cec37ae1b47a5116007395bfacff2ab9
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c set -eux; wget -O get-pip.py "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL"; echo "$PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256 *get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c -; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1; python get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-compile "pip==$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" ; rm -f get-pip.py; pip --version # buildkit
2024-04-09 21:13:34 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)CMD ["python3"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.